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The Edit: How We Evolved
The Edit

The Edit: How We Evolved

Our weekly round up of the best articles, podcasts and videos focusing on purpose in life, work and the world.

2 minute read

10th May 2024

Moral disciplines, the origins of humanity and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

  • Decoupling. We need to find a way for human societies to prosper while the planet heals. So far we can’t even think clearly about it – Aeon
  • Creating a society that prizes decency. David Brooks on recognising one another’s full dignity amid the normal tussles of life – The New York Times
  • What the origins of humanity can and can’t tell us. We can’t help using prehistory to explain the societies we have or to justify the ones we want – New Yorker
  • The art of asking smarter questions. These five techniques can drive great strategic decision-making – Harvard Business Review
  • Making a good impression. We evolved to form snap judgments about who’s friend and who’s foe, but we need to be more evolved – The Atlantic
  • How will AI affect growth? Consider its scale, scope and speed – Financial Times
  • Ocean & Air. A science-meets-myth origin story, reimagined for our times – The Beautiful Truth 

“To be a good citizen, it is necessary to be warmhearted, but it is also necessary to master the disciplines, methods and techniques required to live well together: how to listen well, how to ask for and offer forgiveness, how not to misunderstand one another, how to converse in a way that reduces inequalities of respect.”

David Brooks