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The Edit: The Power of Hope 
The Edit

The Edit: The Power of Hope 

Our weekly round up of the best articles, podcasts and videos focusing on purpose in life, work and the world.

2 minute read

10th Nov 2023

Moving beyond despair, impactful storytelling and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

  • In the Middle East, despair is not an option. A source of inspiration is that era of history, not so distant, when leaders and movements, for all their flaws and failures, agreed to agree – New Yorker
  • Storytelling that drives bold change. How to craft a narrative that matters – Harvard Business Review
  • Sleep more and be happier. Shakespeare called a good night’s rest the “balm of hurt minds” – The Atlantic
  • When algae met fungi. A film telling the hidden story of life’s most successful partnership – Aeon Video
  • Managing teams in a world designed for individuals. There is no “I” in team. But there is one in “autopilot” – The Economist
  • Burnout is becoming a cybersecurity risk. In defending businesses from external attacks cybersecurity teams play an essential role, and that’s bound to take its toll – Raconteur
  • How to thrive amid ‘imposter syndrome’. Worries that you’re incompetent and undeserving could be holding you back – Psyche
  • The Wild Inside. A haunting short film about inmates in the Arizona state-prison system working to break wild horses as they prepare for their own release – The Beautiful Truth

“Hope is a waking dream.”
