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The Edit: Cultivating Openness
The Edit

The Edit: Cultivating Openness

Why arguing doesn’t change people’s minds, why clarity is crucial to hybrid work and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

3 minute read

8th Apr 2022

“Openness has been the greatest blessing of mankind, and it will continue to provide us with new sources of wealth and technology – if we let it,” says author Johan Norberg

Openness is at once natural and unnatural to human beings; the desire to protect our own tribe jars with our instinct to share resources and connect with others. But in an increasingly global world full of challenges felt by all 7.8 billion of us, cultivating openness is the best path to building a better future for everyone. 

Here’s what you might have missed this week:

  • There’s no bitter without the sweet: why sadness might be part of what makes us human. Susan Cain’s new book, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole, explores how our instinct to connect and empathise with others is also what makes us experience sorrow – The New York Times
  • Alumni networks for former employees are a thing. And they’re gaining popularity. Slack channels, LinkedIn and Facebook chats are all being used to reconnect former employees, and becoming an essential place for job hunting and industry insight – Financial Times
  • 3D printing technology is helping to save a threatened tortoise species. By printing realistic tortoise shells and fitting them with a non-toxic repellent spray, a team of conservationists are helping to curb crow attacks on the dwindling tortoise population – Fast Company
  • Quitting is not always the answer to finding a job you love. Alison Beard speaks to Marcus Buckingham, author of Love + Work, about why people are disengaged from their jobs and how to find joy in our work – HBR IdeaCast 
  • If you want to change people’s minds, stop arguing with them. When we offer our values as a weapon, people become more entrenched in their opposing views. But Arthur Brooks argues that there is an alternative: offering our values as a gift – The Atlantic 
  • The most important factor in making hybrid work a success is clarity of expectation. The ambiguity of hybrid work can be countered by clear, explicit details of what employers and employees expect – The Economist 
  • Tracking employee experience leads to happier employees who stay longer. Companies like Ikea and Emma are monitoring their employees journey and pain points to better understand their experience and intervene when necessary – Raconteur

“The most fundamental aspect of being human is the longing to live in a more perfect and beautiful world than the one that we live in now.”

Susan Cain