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The Edit: Connection and Wonder
The Edit

The Edit: Connection and Wonder

Generosity, ten rules for life and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

2 minute read

1st Sep 2023

Our weekly round up of the best articles, podcasts and videos focusing on purpose in life, work and the world.

  • Climate engineering: a quick fix or a risky distraction? Advocates say reflecting solar radiation back into space can help cool a warming planet but opponents fear a devastating free-for-all – Financial Times
  • Aristotle’s ten rules for a good life. An ancient Greek recipe for happiness – The Atlantic
  • Incorporating DEI into decision-making. DEI improves when managers are prompted to think about it at critical moments, such as hiring, promotions and performance reviews – Harvard Business Review
  • People are more generous than you may think. Over the centuries, many of our leading lights have taken the view that people are basically selfish – The New York Times
  • Scientists explain the power of music to spark awe. When people listen to the same song, their brain waves can synchronise. It’s one way that music creates a sense of connection and wonder – NPR
  • The hazy days of summer. An awareness that the air around you isn’t fit to breathe can be a uniquely alarming sensation. It is also likely to become more common – New Yorker
  • How artificial intelligence is making HR more human. HR teams are already using AI-based tech to communicate better with employees, improve career mobility inside their organisations and make well-timed authentic acknowledgements of people’s contributions – Raconteur
  • Dear Travelers. A film by Spencer MacDonald, ‘Dear Travelers’ captures the current feelings of climate activists: desperate to be heard – The Beautiful Truth

“If it is better to be happy as a result of one’s own exertions than by the gift of fortune, it is reasonable to suppose that this is how happiness is won.”
