We are publishers, corporate strategists, expert filmmakers, visionary experience designers and transformational storytellers. For more than twenty years, we have been helping organisations build trust, uncover meaning and spark imagination through film, consulting, our creative studio and our magazine.

The Edit: How We Must Grow
The Edit

The Edit: How We Must Grow

Our weekly round up of the best articles, podcasts and videos focusing on purpose in life, work and the world.

2 minute read

31st Mar 2023

Advancing women of colour to the C-suite, how we learn from failure and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

  • Do five days in the office add up? Hybrid working helps keep staff and lowers office costs, but some pushback will continue – Financial Times
  • Is it enough to empower corporate women? “Chief is a club for white women,” says Sibil Patri, commenting on the lack of support to foster women of colour’s corporate growth – The New York Times
  • Building a better relationship with your notifications. Whether or not design can create a better, calmer relationship with our devices and their notifications – Creative Review
  • What to learn from failure. Past experience can offer highly valuable insight into future outcomes, but only when leveraged effectively – Harvard Business Review
  • The decline of the city grid. The oldest form of city planning is falling out of fashion – The Economist
  • The data delusion. We’ve uploaded everything anyone has ever known onto a worldwide network of machines – The New Yorker
  • A collection of cherry blossoms. Spring started a little more than a week ago, and the Northern Hemisphere has begun to warm; flowers and trees are blooming – The Atlantic
  • How do we speed up the transition to renewable energy? Andrés Gluski, President and CEO of AES Corporation, discusses the perspectives we need for a faster renewables transition and what might be hindering this mission – The Beautiful Truth 

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.”

Abigail Adams