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The Edit: Earth Day
The Edit

The Edit: Earth Day

Our weekly round up of the best articles, podcasts and videos focusing on purpose in life, work and the world.

2 minute read

21st Apr 2023

Building a forest, octopus time and more in this week’s #TheEdit.

  • How to build a forest from scratch – in pictures. Bristol-based charity Forest of Avon Trust has recently acquired 100 acres of grazed farmland in Somerset, with the goal of creating the Great Avon Wood – The Guardian
  • TIME’s Earth Awards. Their first honourees embody values they see as pillars of a more sustainable future – TIME 
  • Solving climate change is not an issue where we ‘succeed or fail’. A climate reporter explains the findings of the IPCC report and why the crisis never really fades from the news cycle – The New York Times
  • Octopus time. Humans are forward-facing, gravity-bound. The liquid motion of the octopus can radicalise our ideas about time – Aeon
  • Europe is spluttering its way to better air quality. The land of 15-minute cities still needs to do more to reduce its air pollution – The Economist
  • How difficult is it to fix a workplace that’s gone wrong? What you can do to turn around a toxic workplace culture – FT Podcast
  • The most successful approaches to leading organisational change. Leaders often give too much attention to the what of organisational change, not the howHarvard Business Review
  • No hard feelings. It is emotion, not logic, that guides much of the way we do business – The Beautiful Truth 

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”

Barack Obama